Monday 25 February 2013

My RUBBISH camera.

This post was supposed to be "Look at all these amazing beads that my bead soup partner sent me!" but unfortunately my camera has decided to be RUBBISH and make all the photos really dark and out of focus. What use is that? (It may be my fault rather than the camera...) Anyhoo, I was going to just put them up anyway but I CAN'T! It would ruin all the lovely-ness of the beads ( you could barely see them in some of the photos). So, I must WAIT and write my post later in the week. LUCKILY, however, both my Dad and Brother just happen to be photographers! So i may see if i can "borrow" one of their cameras for a couple of hours. And i should probably ask for a couple of lessons in how to use them (they have A LOT of buttons on them. I don't think they ALL do something. They're probably just there to look nice.) I may even try to be a bit artistic with the photos (bead soup in a soup bowl?) Hmmmmm...

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